Visual Design in Sales Presentations: Does Beauty Matter?

iPad displaying a visually compelling Salesdrive presentation design, showcasing professional and attractive sales materials.

How important is visual design in sales?

In today’s world, where authenticity and credibility reign supreme, some might argue that looks no longer matter when convincing potential customers. So, is it still necessary to have a visually appealing website, product, or sales presentation? And if so, is that what truly makes a difference for a brand?

Why should presentations be pleasing the human eye?

Back in 1984, marketing gurus Philip Kotler and Alexander Rath declared, “Design is a potent strategic tool that companies can use to gain a sustainable competitive advantage…It communicates value to the consumer, makes selection easier, informs, and entertains.”

Brands like Apple and Nike have since proven these statements correct. Nike doubled its worldwide revenues over the last decade, and Apple sold 150 times more iPhones in 2017 than in 2007, the year they were launched. Both brands focus heavily on beautiful design in their strategies.

There are several reasons to believe that making something visually appealing remains indispensable in marketing and sales. Recent studies corroborate that pleasing the human eye indeed boosts sales. Companies that invest in good design see their financial and company performance improve four times more than those that don’t. Premium design not only warrants a higher price but also makes attractive accessories offered alongside the main product more appealing, leading to increased sales.

Visual attractiveness also helps provide a consistent brand experience. Imagine a well-dressed, highly presentable sales rep showing up for an important sales presentation, only to present a dull and unattractive slide deck. It happens all too often and torpedoes built-up expectations.

Speed is another crucial aspect, especially in these digital times. Today, a website has just 50 milliseconds to catch the visitor’s eye and make a good impression. This is where the beauty of visual design lies: appealing images sell because they create emotional connections quickly, as our brains are wired to interpret the visual world more efficiently than text.

What is the #IWokeUpLikeThis phenomenon?

Despite all the evidence supporting the use of beauty and design to attract and convince customers, there are also opposing arguments. One is that too much beauty can be off-putting. Even when attractive things draw us in, we have developed an internal radar warning us that we’re being manipulated.

The ‘Real Beauty’ advertising campaign launched by Dove more than a decade ago, despite criticism, proved to be a successful strategy. The shift towards authenticity in marketing, exemplified by the Dove campaign, has been driven by the explosion of social media. Today, celebrities get more views and likes on their Instagram selfies using the #IWokeUpLikeThis hashtag than on polished music videos.

Another issue with relying solely on visual beauty is the human attention span, which, according to some sources, lasts no longer than 8 seconds. This makes it challenging to maintain excitement once an attractive image or design has caught someone’s attention.

Lastly, beauty is subjective. There is no universal standard for what is considered beautiful. What appeals to one person may be unattractive to another, and trends in attractiveness can change rapidly.

Visual design: more than meets the eye

To cut through people’s distrust of beauty and maintain their attention, you need more than just a nice visual. You need a compelling story. A narrative that doesn’t just tell people how great your product or company is but connects emotionally with your audience and relates to their world. A well-crafted story solidifies the initial connection made through attractive visuals and turns it into an emotional experience and a relationship of trust. Trust is the foundation of most buying decisions.

Scientific evidence supports this approach. One study indicated that when we are captivated by a story, our brains behave as though we are living the experiences of the story’s protagonists. Stories can also drive purchases. Experiments in retail showed that when people are presented with stories next to products instead of standard descriptions, they are willing to spend more money.

Is beautiful visual design still relevant in sales?

So, is beauty still relevant in sales? Does anything need to look good to convince a potential customer? The answer is yes, but not when it’s only skin deep.

The real beauty that captivates and convinces your audience lies in the combination of visual appeal and the story behind it. An attractive visual element can help you make a good first impression and connect quickly with your audience. However, to sustain that attention and build a deeper connection, you need a truthful and authentic story that ensures your customers stay engaged and trust your brand.

It’s easy to make beautiful presentations with Salesdrive

At Salesdrive, we understand the critical role of quality design in sales presentations. As a customisable sales enablement platform based in Antwerp, Belgium, we provide marketing leaders with the tools and resources to create compelling pitches that resonate with clients. With clients like Nespresso, we know what it takes to make beautiful presentations that drive results.

Salesdrive centralises all your sales materials into one intuitive platform, making content management efficient and straightforward. Our platform allows you to update, distribute, and control your sales content effortlessly. Additionally, our buyer engagement tracking feature provides insights into how prospects interact with your materials, enabling more targeted and effective follow-ups.

Want to see how Salesdrive can elevate your team’s presentations? Book a discovery call with our expert advisor today and experience tailored solutions that deliver measurable results.

Beautiful Salesdrive banner promoting 'Drive more sales with Salesdrive,' showcasing a European tech company from Belgium specialising in revenue enablement.

FAQs About Visual Design in Sales Presentations

Q: Why is visual design important in sales presentations?

A: Visual design is crucial because it helps capture the audience’s attention quickly, creates a memorable impression, and communicates complex information more effectively. A well-designed presentation can engage your audience, making your pitch more persuasive and professional. With Salesdrive, you can ensure your sales materials are always visually appealing and on-brand, enhancing your overall sales strategy.

Q: How can visual design influence a customer’s perception of a brand?

A: Good visual design can significantly enhance a customer’s perception of a brand by conveying professionalism, reliability, and value. It creates an emotional connection and can make your brand stand out from competitors. Salesdrive provides the tools to create visually stunning presentations that leave a lasting impact on your prospects.

Q: Can visual design affect the success of a sales pitch?

A: Absolutely! A visually appealing sales pitch can keep your audience engaged, highlight key points more effectively, and make your message more memorable. Salesdrive helps you create compelling presentations that are not only beautiful but also strategically designed to drive conversions.

Q: What are some common visual design mistakes to avoid in sales presentations?

A: Common mistakes include cluttered slides, inconsistent fonts and colours, overuse of animations, and poor-quality images. Salesdrive’s intuitive platform guides you in creating clean, professional, and cohesive presentations that avoid these pitfalls.

Q: How does visual design help in building a consistent brand experience?

A: Consistent visual design across all sales materials reinforces brand identity and builds trust with your audience. It ensures that your brand message is clear and recognisable. With Salesdrive, you can centralise all your sales materials, ensuring consistency and ease of access for your team.

Q: How quickly does visual design need to capture a viewer’s attention?

A: Research shows that you have just 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression online. An appealing visual design can capture attention instantly and keep your audience engaged. Salesdrive equips you with advanced design templates and tools to create eye-catching presentations that capture and retain viewer attention.

Q: How can I make my sales presentations more visually appealing?

A: Use high-quality images, maintain a clean and organised layout, incorporate your brand’s colour scheme and fonts, and utilise white space effectively. Salesdrive offers a range of templates and design resources to help you create stunning presentations effortlessly.

Q: What role does storytelling play in visual design for sales?

A: Storytelling combined with visual design can make your presentation more engaging and relatable. It helps convey your message in a way that resonates emotionally with your audience. Salesdrive enables you to integrate compelling narratives with beautiful visuals, making your sales pitches more impactful.

Q: How does Salesdrive improve the visual design of my sales presentations?

A: Salesdrive provides marketing leaders with intuitive tools to create visually appealing and effective sales materials. Our platform offers customisable templates, easy-to-use design features, and comprehensive content management, ensuring your presentations are always polished and professional. Book a discovery call with Salesdrive today to see how we can enhance your sales presentations.

By addressing these FAQs, you not only provide valuable insights into the importance of visual design but also subtly highlight how Salesdrive can be an indispensable tool in creating compelling sales presentations.

About the Author

Sophie Carr, Head of Marketing, is an expert in brand building, storytelling, and education. As an experienced writer and growth hacker, she leads the innovative marketing team at Salesdrive.

Edited and re-written by:

Sophie Carr – Head of Marketing

Sophie is an expert in brand building, storytelling, and education. As an experienced writer and growth hacker, she leads the innovative marketing team at Salesdrive.